Contemporary Urban Transport Concept Is Not Sustainable
  • Is oil-dependent
  • Is detrimental to our environment and health
  • Does not eliminate road accidents due to driver error
  • Works against a social justice
Automated Urban Transport Makes Sense
  • Shared knoledge, responsibility and accountability
  • Get united
  • Policy shift - it is socially legitimate if governments are requested to invest in to both the road side (off-board) and on-board technologies
Automated UrbanTransport improves road safety and reduces traffic congestion and travel times
  • Only way to achieve zero fatality on the roads is to replace human drivers by extremely reliable and a fatigue-free intelligent machines - driverless vehicles.

Dr. Ljubo Vlacic

Automated Urban Transport Makes Sense

Dr Ljubo Vlacic
Griffith University
School of Engineering
Nathan QLD 4111
Ph: +61 7 3735 5024
Fax: +61 7 3735 5198

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